A 6-Week Online Transformational Journey

June 1 – July 14, 2024
Realize greater health, joy,
empowerment & FREEDOM
June 1 – July 14, 2024
Realize greater health, joy,
empowerment & FREEDOM
June 1 – July 14, 2024
“This program includes the most powerful teachings from 30 years of study of addiction and recovery.
We can evolve and heal as human beings. This six week experience is designed to help you overcome addiction and set yourself free.
I will share tools that, on a one day at a time basis, will empower you to experience greater joy and navigate the challenges that arise in your life.”
A 6-week supported journey towards self-mastery,
freedom from addictive behaviors, and a mind-body-spirit upgrade.
If you want to break the pattern and thrive in your recovery, this 6-week, intensive journey will help you do it. With access to daily accountability circles with Certified Recovery Coaches to support you, you’ll get the support and accountability you need to get into action and thrive.
In order to move beyond any addictive behavior, we need to look at how our mind, body and spirit are all connected and working together. We’ll move together and breathe in ways that clear your lungs and create energy, vitality, and total health – from the inside out.
We all want freedom in this life to create, connect, and be our very best. And when your happiness comes, it won’t be simply because you’ve stopped your addictive patterns. It will be because you’ve fallen in love with yourself and rediscovered who you really are.
With Life Beyond Addiction, we will walk toward a deeper, more profound experience of life.
Come learn how you can create a radical shift in your mind, body and spirit simply by changing your habits and getting the support that you need to thrive.
Have you ever thought any of the following? DO any of these sound familiar?
“I’m free from substances but still suffer from procrastination, fear, resentment, and self-doubt.”
“I feel like I’ve learned a lot, but never seem to know how to take action.”
“I am new to Recovery 2.0 and want to learn more about how I can use this program in my life.”
“I want to learn more about how yogic philosophy can assist in my personal development.”
“I have been in recovery for a while but still don’t feel like I’ve broken free.”
“I’m new to recovery and don’t know what’s next.”
“While I’m familiar with the 12 Steps, I still cannot seem to break the pattern of workaholism and people pleasing.”
“I lack consistency with the things that I know are good for me.”
Tommy is an internationally renowned yoga teacher, author, and addiction recovery expert who has spent the last 3 decades immersed in recovery and wellness. He holds advanced certifications in both Kundalini and Hatha Yoga and has 31 years of continuous recovery from addiction. Tommy is the founder of the Recovery 2.0 Community and Recovery 2.0 Coaching Certification, host of the “In The Circle with Tommy Rosen” podcast, and leads yoga and recovery retreats around the world.
Build a strong, supportive foundation with core recovery concepts that will support you in your healing, liberation, and transformation.
Break out of the patterns that no longer serve you. Here, we will learn the routines and habits that create lasting transformation.
Transformation requires energy. In this module, we will learn how to tap into, and build, our life force.
How can we show up fully in this life? Learn what it means to become stronger from the inside out.
It has been said that “The mind is a terrible master, but a great servant.” Learn how to train your mind to serve you
Life is a spiritual journey and a great mystery. Let’s embrace both.
Yes! All modules will be accessible online. All you need is internet access.
Live calls with Tommy will take place on Saturdays from June 1 to July 6. Our final session together will take place on SUNDAY July 14th to allow for Tommy's travel schedule.
The schedule is as follows - Please Note Schedule Irregularities on June 29 and July 14.
Saturday, June 1: 8-10am PT
Saturday, June 8: 8-10am PT
Saturday, June 15: 8-10am PT
Saturday, June 22: 8-10am PT
Saturday, June 29*: 2-4pm PT
Saturday, July 6: 8-10am PT
Sunday, July 14**: 8-10am PT
* NOTE Call Time Change for June 29
**NOTE SUNDAY for final call
Don’t worry! All sessions will be recorded and posted in The Life Beyond Addiction Portal so you can watch or listen again any time you like. Your registration comes with a full year of access to the portal.
We will likely offer The Life Beyond Addiction Program next year, but it may not have the same structure, pricing, or extent.
Yes! This program is designed to be interactive. Your voice will be heard, and you will likely find wisdom and support from other program members as well.
To create community and accountability with other members, you will have the opportunity to participate in guided, live morning practice at 6am across three different time zones. Sessions will be led by one of our Recovery 2.0 Coaches, in a group setting, on zoom. Live practice times will be at 6am UK time, 6am Eastern Time, and 6am Pacific Time from Sunday - Friday. Zoom links will be provided for those registered in the program, and you can choose the time that works best for you. If you cannot make it to a live practice session, you can practice on your own time and schedule using the recording, which will also be made available to all participants.
Yes! Please rest assured. We will provide modifications so anyone can attend any class.
We invite you to give yourself the gift of a 15-30min morning practice each day during this course. The Live component will be 2 hours on Saturdays (with the exception of the final group call which will take place on Sunday, July 14th).
We do have a limited number of partial scholarships available for those with financial need. If you feel this program could strengthen your recovery, and finances are getting in the way of your participation, please email support@r20.com and our team will provide you with some options.
If you have any trouble logging into the portal or problems with billing, please contact our team at support@r20.com.
Of course! If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or a success story, please email our team at support@r20.com. Please keep in mind that we are not equipped to answer questions of a personal or medical nature.